We are pleased to release the Lent Term card of the Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy series. On 18 January, David Bilchitz (Constitutional Court of South Africa; Johannesburg and Reading) will deliver a presentation on “Justice for Animals: a Wrong-Turn for the Capabilities Approach?”. Sergio Dellavalle (Turin; Visiting Fellow, CCARL) will talk about “A Republic of Fellow Sufferers: Why and How We Should Grant Rights to Nature” on 30 January. On 8 February, Deborah Cao (Griffith) will present on “Animal Law and Regulation in China”. On 20 February, El Jones (Mount Saint Vincent University; Visiting Researcher, CCARL) will present on “Dog-aganda: How the State Uses Dogs to Manufacture Consent for Violence”. On 27 February, Serrin Rutledge-Prior (ANU; Visiting Researcher, CCARL) will present her research on “Expanding the Ethical Foundations of Animal Law and Policy”. Finally, on 6 March, Jonathan Saha (Durham) will talk about “Decolonzing Animals: Elephants and the End of Empire in Myanmar”. All talks are free and open to all, and will take place on Zoom. Click here to register.