Our Team


Dr Sean Butler


Dr Sean Butler is an Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund’s College. Previously, he worked at Shell and Nokia. He studied Law at Oxford (St Edmund Hall) and the LSE, as well as Genetics at Cambridge (CPGS) before taking his PhD in social science at Imperial College, London. He specialises in intellectual property strategy in life sciences, and technology-based start-ups. He is also CEO of Cambridge Agritech, a syndicate of investors in agritech startups. He was previously Director of Studies in Law at St Edmund’s, and he teaches Roman Law and Animal Rights Law. 


Dr Raffael Fasel


Dr Raffael Fasel is an Assistant Professor in Public Law at the University of Cambridge, a Fellow of Jesus College, and the holder of an SNSF Ambizione research grant. He was previously Yates Glazebrook Fellow and Director of Studies in Law at Jesus College, and Fellow in Law at LSE Law School. He obtained his PhD in Law from the University of Cambridge (Sidney Sussex College), with a thesis on the legal theory and intellectual history of human and animal rights, for which he was awarded the Law Faculty’s Yorke Prize. He holds a Bachelor of Law and a Master of Law degree from the University of Fribourg, an MA in Philosophy from University College London, and an LLM from Yale Law School. 


Eva Bernet Kempers

Junior Research Associate Teaching Network Manager

Eva Bernet Kempers is a part-time post-doc at the Animal & Law Chair of the University of Antwerp, Belgium. Previously, she was a Visiting Researcher at the Helsinki Animal Law Centre, the Global Animal Law Project at the Max Planck Institute in Heidelberg, and the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law. She obtained her PhD in Law from the University of Antwerp on the concept of animal dignity. Besides pursuing academic research and assisting in the organization of the Centre’s events, Eva takes on the role of Teaching Network Manager, coordinating an international network of law lecturers who teach animal rights law at universities throughout the world.


Carolina Leiva Ilabaca

Junior Research Associate

Carolina Leiva Ilabaca is an Assistant Professor at the University Autonomous of Barcelona. Previously, she was a Visiting Researcher at the Helsinki Animal Law Centre and the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law, alongside her work as a lawyer and legal counsellor. She holds a PhD in Law from the University Autonomous of Barcelona and the University of Chile, where she explored the intersection between Criminal Law and Animal Rights Law in Chile and Spain. She continues to pursue her research in the field from a global perspective, as a Junior Research Associate at our Centre.


Carly McCann

Marketing and Public Relations Manager

Carly McCann is a creative marketing coordinator, educator, performer, and VR theatre maker with a passion for communications and storytelling. She holds Bachelor of Arts degrees in both Broadcast Journalism and Theatre Performance from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of Fine Arts in Advanced Theatre Practice from the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. Carly has produced and created several creative events that have toured the UK. A dedicated teacher, Carly uses her skills in communications and drama to educate students of all ages in the creative arts.

Visiting Fellows

Justin Marceau is a Professor of Law, the Brooks Institute Faculty Research Scholar of Animal Law and Policy, and the Faculty Director of the Animal Law Program at Sturm College of Law, University of Denver, USA. He co-founded and helps direct a first-of-its-kind law school clinic, the Animal Activist Legal Defense Project. He is the author of more than 40 academic articles and essays, and two textbooks. His first book, Beyond Cages (Cambridge University Press 2019) serves as one of the first extended critiques of carceral animal law. His most recent book, Truth and Transparency (Cambridge University Press 2023), was co-authored with Alan Chen, and was awarded the Tankard Prize.

Małgorzata Lubelska Sazanów is an Assistant Professor at the University of Silesia, Poland. She obtained her PhD degree in 2018, after having defended her thesis on the problem of animals as specific objects of obligations at the Universities of Silesia and Osnabrück, Germany. In 2018, she also obtained an LLM degree from the University of California, focusing on wildlife trade. Since then, she has published extensively in the field of animal law and animal ethics, and has received several awards, including a Max Planck Institute Fellowship, a DAAD Fellowship, and the Polish Science Foundation Award for the 100 best young Polish scientists.

Visiting Researchers

Victoria Kühborth is a research assistant and doctoral candidate at the University of Freiburg, Germany, and a Visiting Researcher at our Centre in Lent Term 2025. Her PhD research focuses on the enforcement mechanism of EU farm animal protection laws. During her time at our Centre, she will explore the role of trust in restorative justice for animals.

Pablo Serra-Palao is a PhD Candidate and researcher in legal philosophy at Comillas Pontifical University, Spain. His doctoral research focuses on developing a vulnerability-based theory of animal rights, a topic he will further explore during his time at our Centre in Lent Term 2025. His general research interests revolve around exploring non-anthropocentric legal realities.

Past Visiting Fellows

Sergio Dellavalle is Professor of Public Law and State Theory at the University of Turin, Italy, and was the first Visiting Fellow at our Centre in Lent and Easter 2024. His research centred on this forthcoming book ‘A Republic of Fellow Sufferers: How to Grant Rights to Nature’, which explores different strategies to justify the attribution of rights to non-human natural entities.

Past Visiting Researchers

El Jones, Assistant Professor in the Department of Politics, Economics, and Canadian Studies at Mount Saint Vincent University, was a Visiting Researcher at our Centre in Lent 2024. Her research was centred on police dogs and connections between race, Black feminism, and animal oppression.

Serrin Rutledge-Prior, Research Fellow with the Australian National University’s Crawford School of Public Policy, was a Visiting Researcher at our Centre in Lent 2024. Her research focused on the relationship between animal rights and rights of nature.

Michaël Lessard, SJD student at the University of Toronto, visited our Centre in Lent 2023. His research was focused on the legal recognition of animal sociability and agency, and how this could complete the ongoing legal recognition of animal sentience.

Paulina Siemieniec, PhD Candidate in the Philosophy Department at Queen’s University, visited our Centre in Lent 2023. Her research dealt with the legal rights domesticated animals should have to Sexual and Reproductive Health, including the right to agency in sexual and reproductive decision-making processes.

Katharina Braun, PhD candidate in Law at Freie Universität Berlin, visited our Centre in Lent 2022. She worked on a project that analysed whether consent or a related concept can be employed to distinguish between permissible and impermissible human-animal interactions

Carolina Leiva Ilabaca, PhD candidate in Law at the University of Chile and the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, was a Visitor to our Centre in Lent 2022. Her research examined different approaches to animal subjecthood.

Ankita Shanker, PhD in Law candidate at the University of Basel, was an externally-funded visitor to the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law from April-September 2021. During her stay, she identified the content, strength, and limits of fundamental animal rights and personhood, relying on foundational principles of fundamental rights law and legal theories.


Eva Bernet Kempers, PhD candidate at the University of Antwerp in Belgium, visited the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law in Lent 2021. Her research at the Centre focused on developing an alternative account of legal personhood that goes beyond the binary and court-based accounts that are dominant in the common law.


Joshua Jowitt, Lecturer in Law at Newcastle University, visited the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law in Lent 2021. During his stay at the Centre, Josh developed a natural law account of the normative foundations of legal personhood and explored its implications in the case of Happy the elephant.


Pablo Pérez Castelló, PhD candidate in Philosophy at Royal Holloway University of London, visited the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law in Lent 2021. His research explored how the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia should change if wild animals were given a right to self-determination.


Nick Ampt, PhD candidate at the Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne, visited the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law in Lent 2020 as one of our two first Visiting Students. Nick pursued a research project dealing with different legal statuses that the law can award to animals and other beings.


Robyn Trigg, non-practising solicitor and full-time DPhil in Law student at Magdalen College, University of Oxford, visited the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law in Lent 2020 as one of our two first Visiting Students. Her research probed the dualisms on which current animal laws and animal rights proposals are based.