We are delighted to announce the Cambridge Centre for Animal Rights Law’s programme for the upcoming academic year. More details will follow soon. If you have any questions or are interested in applying, please do not hesitate to get in touch.
European Animal Rights Law Conference, 14-15 September 2019
We will host the first ever European Animal Rights Law Conference — a 1.5-day event which we aim to continue to run on an annual basis. Around 20 speakers from all over Europe who are involved in ground-breaking animal rights law research or projects will come to Cambridge to discuss their work. The Conference will be held at St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, starting at 9.00 am on the 14th and ending at 12.00 noon on the 15th. Participants can register here.
Training workshop for Law lecturers, Winter 2019
As part of our teaching outreach mission, we will be inviting up to five Law lecturers from other universities to Cambridge for a five-day workshop in order to share with them all the materials from our Animal Rights Law and to help them design a similar Animal Rights Law course at their home university. Attendees will be full-time Law lecturers at a European university which is committed to offering an Animal Rights Law course to their students in the following academic year. The costs in Cambridge (ie food, accommodation) will be covered by the Centre. Click here for more information.
Applications are invited
The Animal Rights Law Lecture, Spring 2020
We are establishing the first-ever annual lecture series in animal rights law so that the most outstanding experts can come to Cambridge and present their research or work. Speakers will include distinguished professors who have made significant contributions to animal rights law and other prominent persons who have changed the way we think about animals. The Lecture will be open to all. See here for more information.
Visitors to the Centre, Spring 2020
The Centre has designated the period mid-January to mid-March each year as its “Collaboration Term”, when academic and practitioner visitors will be invited to Cambridge for some or all of the Cambridge Lent Term to participate in formal events including The Animal Rights Law Lecture, short courses for students and the general public, and informal collaboration. Open to PhD candidates and early-stage postdoctoral researchers, as well as tenured academics (or equivalent) working at an academic institution. The costs in Cambridge (ie food, accommodation) will be covered by the Centre. To find out more, click here.
Applications are invited