Our Centre invites applications for Visiting Researchers for a period of eight weeks in Cambridge University Lent Term 2025 (21 January to 21 March). Applicants must be highly promising researchers who are in the course of completing a PhD or an equivalent qualification. Our Visiting Researcher programme offers an exciting opportunity to become part of our Centre’s lively community. Funding of up to £2,000 is available per Visiting Researcher for accommodation and travel expenses. The deadline for applications is 14 July 2024. More information on the programme and on how to apply is available here.
Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy Term Card
We are delighted to release the Easter Term card of the Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy series. We will kick off with a special event on 6th May (5-6.30pm): our Co-Director Raffael Fasel (University of Cambridge) will launch his new book 'More Equal Than Others: Humans and the Rights of Other Animals' (OUP 2024). On 9th May (5-6.30pm), Rajesh Reddy (Lewis & Clark Law School) will join us to present on 'The Fly in the Ointment: The Problem and Promise of Insect Law and Ethics'. Richard Miller (Northwestern University) will talk about his new book 'The Rise and Fall of Animal Experimentation' on 29th May (5-6.30pm). Finally, on 6th June, Mariam Motamedi-Fraser (Goldsmiths University) will talk about 'Canis unfamiliaris: Species Stories and Species Categories'. Click here for more information and to register for the talks.
Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy Term Card
We are pleased to release the Lent Term card of the Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy series. On 18 January, David Bilchitz (Constitutional Court of South Africa; Johannesburg and Reading) will deliver a presentation on “Justice for Animals: a Wrong-Turn for the Capabilities Approach?”. Sergio Dellavalle (Turin; Visiting Fellow, CCARL) will talk about “A Republic of Fellow Sufferers: Why and How We Should Grant Rights to Nature” on 30 January. On 8 February, Deborah Cao (Griffith) will present on “Animal Law and Regulation in China”. On 20 February, El Jones (Mount Saint Vincent University; Visiting Researcher, CCARL) will present on “Dog-aganda: How the State Uses Dogs to Manufacture Consent for Violence”. On 27 February, Serrin Rutledge-Prior (ANU; Visiting Researcher, CCARL) will present her research on “Expanding the Ethical Foundations of Animal Law and Policy”. Finally, on 6 March, Jonathan Saha (Durham) will talk about “Decolonzing Animals: Elephants and the End of Empire in Myanmar”. All talks are free and open to all, and will take place on Zoom. Click here to register.