Call for applications Visiting Researchers & Fellows

Our Centre invites applications for funded Visiting Researcher and Visiting Fellow positions at our Centre. For Visiting Researchers (PhD candidates or postdocs), we offer an 8-week research visit during Lent Term (16 January – 15 March 2024). For Visiting Fellows (candidates with a distinguished research or professional record), we offer an 8-22 week research visit during Lent and Easter Term (16 January – 14 June 2024). The Centre will reimburse the costs of accommodation in Cambridge and make a contribution towards travel. Extra funding for living expenses is available if needed. The deadline for applications is 30 June 2023. Click here to find out how you can apply.

Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy Term Card

We are delighted to release the Easter Term programme of the Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy talk series. We will start on 25 April with a talk by Lori Marino (Kimmela Center) on "The Synergism of Animal Law and Science". On 4 May, Jane Kotzmann (Deakin Law School) will present her paper "Sentience and Intrinsic Worth as a Pluralist Foundation for Fundamental Animal Rights". And on 16 May, Matthew Liebman (University of San Francisco School of Law) will join us to talk about "Animal Plaintiffs”. All talks are held on Zoom and are free and open to all. Click here to register.