Call for Abstracts PhD Student Workshop

We are pleased to invite abstracts from PhD students working in animal rights law who are interested in presenting their research at the PhD Student Workshop on 14 August 2023 at Clare College, Cambridge. The Workshop will follow the European Animal Rights Law Conference (12-13 August). A number of fully funded places (including accommodation and food for the entire Conference) are available, plus some travel grants. Those offered a place will also be provided with opportunities to connect with the Conference speakers. The deadline for submissions is 12 May 2023. Click here for more information about how to apply.

Launch of the first Animal Rights Law textbook

We are excited to announce the launch of Animal Rights Law (Hart Publishing 2023), the first textbook that covers the new field of animal rights law and makes it accessible to readers from all around the world. Authored by Raffael Fasel and Sean Butler, this easy-to-use book helps readers understand the legal evolution toward animal rights by explaining the ethics, legal theory, and social issues behind animal rights and connected topics such as property, subjecthood, dignity, and human rights. The book is now available for purchase here and here. Register for our UK book launch on 29th March from 5-6.30pm GMT via Zoom here or our US book launch on 20th April from 12:00–1:15pm ET via Zoom here.

Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy Term Card

We are pleased to release the Lent Term card of the Talking Animals, Law & Philosophy series. We will start on 18 January with a presentation by Thomas White on “Flourishing and the Five Fundamental Rights”. On 28 February, Michaël Lessard will deliver his paper “Beyond Sentience: The Possibilities of Agency and Sociability Legal Recognition”. On 8 March, we are excited to launch Saskia Stucki’s book “One Rights: Human and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene” with three commentators. On 14 March, Paulina Siemieniec will join us to present on “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for Domesticated Animals”. Finally, on 29 March, our Centre’s founders will launch their textbook “Animal Rights Law” in conversation with two experts. All events are free and open to all and will be held on Zoom. You can find more information and register here.